Coco Pink Smoothie Launches at Nalu Love Party!
The night before Valentine’s Day, Nalu at Waikiki Beach Walk threw its first themed product launch influencer party called Nalu Love!
We invited a couple of local businesses that fit the Valentine’s Day theme, including Manoa Chocolate and Leinai’a. We hosted a primarily Japanese guest list to show our appreciation for all our loyal Japanese customers!
We wanted to create a beautiful setting to celebrate small businesses, influencers, and Valentine’s Day, so we called in the talented designer, The Happy Haku. They built a selfie wall and floral arrangements, and supplied beautiful hakus for the girls to pose with while showcasing their Coco Pink smoothies in their custom Nalu cups!
Manoa Chocolate did a live cacao pod demonstration and let the guests eat raw cacao fresh from the pod and taste much of their product line.
Nalu sandwich samples were passed around as new friendships were made over toasts and photo opportunities.
The event was organized and hosted by PlanIt Branding, the team that handles our marketing!
Goody bag items were supplied to the 15 influencers by Nalu, Leinai’a, Manoa Chocolate, JTB/OliOli, and Waikiki Beach Walk.
What a great night of celebrating with all these folks! The smoothie is officially available for a limited time only, so get it while you can at all four locations!
バレンタインデーの前夜、ナル・アット・ワイキキ・ビーチウォークでは、初のテーマ別商品発表インフルエンサー・パーティー「Nalu Love」を開催した!
中小企業、インフルエンサー、そしてバレンタインデーを祝うための美しいセッティングを作りたかったので、才能あるデザイナー、The Happy Hakuに依頼しました。彼らは自撮り用の壁とフラワーアレンジメントを作り、ココ・ピンク・スムージーを特注のNaluカップで紹介しながら、彼女たちがポーズを取れるように美しいハクを提供してくれました!
このイベントは、私たちのマーケティングを担当するPlanIt Brandingが企画・主催した!